As a former airline employee, I fly for free. The catch is that Kathy and I fly standby and can only get on flights which have seats available. After trying since Friday night to catch an open flight out of Portland, my parents intervened. The MAX train does not run early enough in the morning, so my parents let us crash at their house in Vancouver, WA for a few hours.
My mom was even kind enough to take us to the airport at 4:30 a.m.
We finally made it, thank God! Our flight to Salt Lake City is about to push back from the gate. Our destination? Last night we ruled out Europe and decided to fly to Uruguay, with a stop in Argentina. I'm looking forward to not having cell phone reception.
Hi Garth - We got your message about your destination. May you and Kathy have fun, be safe, learn much. You said you missed the last seconds of the Dallas Cowboys game...a last-second field goal was blocked and they lost. See you Friday. Love, Bo and Vive.
I experienced a similar problem. When I bought my iPhone, I first checked with “Got Reception?” ( It’s a great resource for finding out where reception problems are most likely to occur BEFORE you lock yourself with a specific carrier.
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