From last month’s Tokyo travelogue:
The late night scene is frenetically colorful here in Tokyo, even on a weeknight. I was out WAY too long last night, but no regrets! I’m finishing up this blog entry from the hallway outside my capsule bed in the Hostel Kawase Tokyo and Capsule. Checkout is any time now, so I’ll be brief. Check back soon for the pics that I’ll upload from the U.S. when I fly home [Photos added 7/3/12].
Here’s how it all began:
Anyone quick enough to catch my earlier “Sumo Pipe Dream” blog post (on another platform, before I took it down) knows about my trashed plans to catch the Sumo wrestling championships here in Tokyo a couple weeks back. Basically, I left church on that Sunday morning too late to catch my flight from Portland to Tokyo.
This time around, I took matters into my own hands. Immediately before I flew out yesterday morning, I worked late at Delta and then stayed awake until sunrise to preach at Aloha Church of God for Pastor Tim (on Sabbatical for the month of June). Since I planned the worship service, missing another flight due to a church service that ran into overtime… would’ve left me with no one to blame but myself. Clever, eh?
The nine hour flight to Tokyo in Delta’s Business Elite cabin would have been the perfect opportunity to make up for more than a week’s worth of extreme sleep deprivation… if only the food, service, and comfort weren’t so extravagant!

My plan of attack for the visit was mostly developed before I even made my first connection in Aoto, off of the Keisei Main Line. I ultimately hopped off the Oshiage Line at the Asakusa district…

Would I find any unsuspecting souls to join me on my quest for the best live music and dancing in Tokyo? Not yet. It was early evening, and my hostel was still a ghost town.
Stalling, I killed an hour or two roaming the streets of Asakusa.

I kid. Please refrain from marking me for death.

The more mainstream Japanese diner Watami accepted me with open arms and served up a steaming dish of extra spicy goodness, by request. The only thing missing from the menu, or from most of the neighborhood for that matter, was a single word of English.
Back at the hostel, I ran into a couple of college guys from SoCal (whom shall remain faceless and nameless, for the sake of their relationships back in the States- I feel so dirty now). I convinced them that heading out beats hanging out. They were less enthusiastic about the Japanese reggae/funk band that I planned to see, so we compromised and started talking non-live venues. I whipped out my nightlife breakdown from the train ride into Tokyo, and we narrowed our options down to a few of the most popular clubs.
The nightlife dense Shibuya district was a straight shot from a nearby train station. The unmarked, well hidden club would have been nearly impossible to find without my directions and my friends’ GPS iDevice thingy. The floor was packed solid, though, with a diverse crowd bouncing along to beats from an allegedly internationally famous DJ with an unpronounceable stage name.
Much later, we all parted ways (with different, ahem, opinions about an appropriate ending to a non-single guy’s night out in Tokyo) way too late for me to catch the last train back to Asakusa. As usual, I improvised.
I have yet to see either of those guys return to their capsule beds this morning.
What does a capsule hotel cost and is it comfortable?
My original Tokyo capsule was only $19, but I stepped it up to the Hostel Kawase for $30. The location near the Asakusa train station alone made it worthwhile. Calling it comfortable would be a bit of an overstatement, but it was functional (if you can overlook a kaput bedside wall outlet and surly staff).
I'll make sure to include a picture of my capsule on tomorrow's blog, Bob!
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