As of Wednesday, June 15, I’m still unable to embed those video clips that are mentioned below. Sorry about that. Enjoy the pictures, though!
On each Sunday morning this past month, a different one of our middle/high school students or graduates has had the honor of serving as “flow person” in an Aloha Church of God congregational service. Each of these students, Will, Whitney (pictured), Kezin, and Tamarra, made the most of this opportunity to develop their leadership skills in front of our entire church family. It’s debatable who benefited most… the students behind the pulpit or the rest of the congregation who came together to worship in Big Church (as we refer to the weekly gathering of our church family). However, we couldn’t have been more pleased with their gifts on display which, ultimately, are only intended to bring glory to an audience of One: our God.
Here are some other recent highlights:
Partnering with the Aloha Christian School for our Spaghetti Dinner fundraiser: gathering pre-sale tickets, setting up, serving, and cleaning up after the event
Creating and performing skits that illustrate Jesus’ “I am” statements from the Gospel of John. Each of these statements became springboards for Garth’s upcoming teachings on understanding how Christ explained himself to His listeners and followers throughout the ages.
Pi Day/St. Patrick’s Day pie in the face quiz [IMG 7837]
Spring break madness: Dodging rain while hiking portions of the Wahkeena Falls Loop...
...throwing a pizza and Playstation Move motion-controller party at Garth and Kathy’s house...
...hanging at the local DQ...
...and rocking and worshipping at the Rose Garden! A few of us headed out to the Rock ‘n’ Worship Roadshow at the Rose Garden, featuring Mercy Me, Thousand Foot Crutch, Jars of Clay (pictured on above, on stage), LeCrae, and more.
[Video0037] Click on the “play” arrow in the lower left-hand corner above for a video clip of students groovin’ and movin’ as Mercy Me takes the Rock 'n' Worship Roadshow stage.
In Christ,
Youth Pastors Garth and Kathy Hamilton
Here is this month's bonus section!
[Video0057] Click on the “play” arrow in the lower left-hand corner for a video clip of a chaotic Sports Champions' Gladiator Duel between Will and Eleanor with Playstation Move motion controllers, at our house during spring break.
[Video0023] Click on the “play” arrow in the lower left-hand corner above for a video clip of Thousand Foot Krutch laying down the heavy stuff as they get the Rose Garden crowd to “Fire it Up.”
And finally, here are a few photos from Garth’s fun and meaningful time of inspirational instruction at the WARM ministers’ conference in Sacramento:
Garth and Joseph hit Hot –N- Now after getting picked up from the Sacramento airport.
Veteran youth leader Les Christie speaks to the troops.
Youth pastor buddies Brian, Garth, Kris, and Joseph try to hold it together as we pose for our outrageously clutzy (but sweet-hearted) Johnny Rockets waitress. Just to give you a taste: that would have been a PERFECT time to cash out your 401(k) to invest in paper towel and napkin stocks!
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