Friday, June 10, 2011

Coming Next Weekend on Blogspot...

Update-- On Monday night, I’ll be adding photos [Photos Added!] to my May E.P.I.C. ministry roundup (it should eventually show up at the very end of last month’s posts). I apologize being such a slacker! In the meantime, here is a look ahead:

Since concluding my London Blogspot posts last month, it occurred to me how little I mention my travels on this page. My globetrotting has taken me to 36 (or is it 37?) different countries so far, and I often have friends and family by my side. We've made plenty of memories, but I rarely take the time to post those travel memories to this Blogspot page.

Readers may remember this photo from a few years back of Kathy and I sharing a bus to Colonia, Uruguay.

Starting now through October (and yes, the baby is coming in September!) and running until I find time to list all five trips, I'll make an effort to start out each month with a new Blogspot post that counts down my top five recent travels. Let's call it, hmmm, let me think... My Top 5 Recent Trips Countdown! Clever, no? The focus will be less on the destination and more on the experience. In other words, if you're looking for a list of my most exotic, out of the way overseas trips... that will be another list entirely.

Coming next weekend: Top 5 Recent Trips- #5!!

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