From earlier this month...
Our E.P.I.C. student ministry is gearing up for a strong finish to the school year!

Wrapping up Garth’s teaching series on Christ’s self revelatory “I Am” statements has laid the foundation for our upcoming “Made to Make a Difference” sessions, which will emphasize changing the world through Christian acts of service.

From making memories during wild crowd-breakers like Steal the Bacon...

...Easter Egg Roulette...

...and Sardines... putting on our most successful rummage sale ever...
...This has been a very memorable month!

April’s student “flow person”-led Sunday morning services continued through Easter Sunday and the rest of last month. (
Kezin serving as M.C. on Palm Sunday and our church’s Easter morning breakfast are pictured).

Students also had opportunities to serve our community and our church family such as volunteering at our pancake breakfast

and helping relocate the church library to make room for the Food Cupboard outreach ministry.

A personal highlight of this past month was celebrating Alex Bates’ graduation with a Bachelor of Arts from Warner Pacific College. Back in September 2001, when we first accepted the position as youth pastors (referred to as interim youth pastors, at the time) here at Aloha Church of God, Alex was just entering the 7th grade. It was so inspirational to watch her receive her diploma,

and it was an honor for Garth to speak to the Class of 2011 at the WPC commencement ceremony. Way to go, Alex!!
In Christ,
Youth Pastors Garth and Kathy Hamilton
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