Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Good Morning, 2012!

This is a re-post from January 1, with photos added on 1/18/12 to this and some previous posts.
IMAG1597_edited-1.jpg by gkhamilton
IMAG1597_edited-1.jpg, a photo by gkhamilton on Flickr.

The first sunrise of 2012 over Mount Hood, as viewed from the Delta ramp at PDX Airport

That picture of the beauty of 2012’s first morning was taken after my last picture of the beauty of 2011’s final evening, DSC_0290_edited-1.JPG of Lena taking a bath.

Tired as I was from our (relatively) late night celebration of New Year’s Eve…DSC_0294_edited-1.JPG…I managed to stay awake through my super-early morning shift at Delta and hurry home to enjoy Lena on New Year’s Day.

My resolutions for 2012 run the gamut from physical goals (gain a few more pounds of lean muscle, get more sleep) to overall self-improvement (put others’ needs ahead of my own, arrive early for everything, take more time to contemplate God’s Word as I read through it again this year).

All of that aside, the most important thing that I can accomplish this year is to be a loving daddy to Lena. I hope and pray that she will grow up to love God and others, as well as fight against oppression, poverty, injustice, and hate.

But first, we’ll just let Lena do what she does best: DSC_0341_edited-1.JPG Be an adorable baby girl.

2012, here we come!

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