From last night...
It took a few days to get here from Portland, but Bogota finally let me in!
Tonight was my first night in the city, and I made up for lost time. Prior to takeoff in Atlanta, I had booked a bed at Algeria's Hostel from my new Galaxy Note 2 (as the preflight refreshments were being served). With that peace of mind, I've been making some detours before checking in at my 24-hour/day hostel in Bogota. My original seat mate and I went out for some food and fun together after we landed in Colombia this evening.
Note: Charles is specified as the "original" so as to avoid confusing him with Jason, the [insert descriptive personal noun] who kicked my deadlock-headed friend out of his seat. Jason, to his credit, took top honors for being the most unpleasant Business Class passenger I've ever sat next to. He sported some very creative body art, though.
Now that Charles, I, and company have had our fun, I'm blogging my way across town via taxi to check in at Algeria's Hostel. Bogota is a beautiful city at night!
By the way, loyal "Garth's Blog" readers may have noticed that an additional day was wasted to reach South America since my last blog post from Minneapolis (link). A Midwest snowstorm ransacked the Delta system yesterday, cancelling flights and overbooking my connecting flight to Atlanta. Naturally, I got bumped.
On the plus side, missing that flight allowed me to catch up with an old buddy in MSP whom was also flying to Atlanta. The negative? My only connection to Bogota yesterday was blown.
Losing yet another travel day, I was stranded when I landed in Atlanta. Various friends attempted to help me out, but everything bombed. My overnight layover in Atlanta was too miserable to describe here. It didn't help that I was shivering through temps in the upper 30s while dressed for the equatorial region of South America.
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Atlanta, Cold, grumpy, and still living off Wednesday night's sleep. I fell asleep instantly that night. |
On second thought, any night in Atlanta that includes a run in with yet another old friend and a successful 2 a.m. hunt for maple-pecan waffles can't be all bad. Right?
Post Script from Bogota: Bad ideas come easily to me. Heading out with Charles and co. before checking into Alegria's Hostel was one of them. Be watching for my next post to find out why!
Post Script from Bogota: Bad ideas come easily to me. Heading out with Charles and co. before checking into Alegria's Hostel was one of them. Be watching for my next post to find out why!
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